Tuesday 17 December 2013

I doubt this falls anywhere near the record for reviving a moribund blog,  but it's a promising start.  Apologies  to  those who have been waiting for my next post somewhere on the anticipation /trepidation spectrum.

Let the record show that I read my preceding entries with some embarrassment from this latter age. However, the established house style seems to be still at my disposal. Such as it is.

I've climbed up a couple of chessboards since I was last here (a Dave Sim reference) so it might be interesting to see if that changes the content. Our maybe there will just be another few years gap.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Wow, you're still here?

So, maybe this will ferret out a few random people with this in their RSS feeds still (Gill?).

I'm going to keep it around for a fairly anonymous dumping ground of random thoughts.

Also, maybe a repository for notes on the new gym regime - or just its excuses. So far: (1) Ill, (2) Giving Jeremy a lift.

Monday 4 January 2010

It lives!

This blog experiment didn't last that long last year. It seems inspiration is the prerequisite for posting, and that was distinctly lacking in the fag-end of the Noughties.

Will tis brave new decade fare better, who can say?

Wednesday 22 October 2008

RIP Jane Dale

The best of us in the Calder Valley set. I'm completely floored. Tragic accident, no fault, no sense. Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile

Thursday 9 October 2008

Conference Dinner #1

Conference dinners are a subtle art. The attendees typically only have their work in common, but are too tired from a day of lectures to engage on that level in any detail. So, it's a requirement for speed and distraction; smoke and mirrors. With this in mind, last night we were treated to: A Morris dancing troupe (some shocked faces among the international contingent to the dancers in blackface); an eco-industrial museum; and a rhubarb crumble served with such ballistic gusto as to resemble a bird strike. Suffice it to say that by popular request the coaches left two hours early. Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile

mLearn 2008 - before their time?

Picture a mobile technology conference where the organisers cannot provide any form of connectivity to the delegates; cannot run a powerpoint show on a projector without crashing it; place RFID trackers in delegates bags withhout consent, and then can't make the attendance system they are supposed to enable work... Place all this in a hotel with hot and cold running cockroaches, and we're off! Maybe I'll feel more sanguine with time, but today the content is masked by the administrative shortcomings. Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Gmail trickle

More confused Americans:

  • Sorry, Phil Israel: I can't make your 9am meeting, even though you now discover it was scheduled for 10am anyway.
  • Kristina Chu: I'm still nothing to do with student law clubs at your august organisation, so I have no need of the student budget questionnaire, thanks...